Interview With Lisatone Business Founder Maggie Mpitso!

Interview With Lisatone Business Founder Maggie Mpitso! Lisatone is a proudly South African shopping and retail business founded by Maggie Mpitso.
We recently had a chat with the founder to learn more about her business, what if offers to clients, challenges she has faced as an entrepreneur and her vision for the company in the future. Check out the interview below.
1. What inspired Lisatone ?
It’s a very weird story. God moved me through strangers and friends to start Lisatone. People used to constantly compliment me about how great I smell. At the time I was a student and couldn’t afford the expensive bottles, so I decided to sell what I was using. As a person you want to ensure that you’re continuously growing and the next big step was clothes and shoes.

2. You ventured into a sector that has brands with deep pockets for marketing and advertising, how have you differentiated your business ?
I am the difference, my passion and way of moving is different from Thierry Hermes, Ralph Lauren and the likes. I have been able to be creative and use what I have at my disposal to push my business forward. I am striving for my brand to reach it’s highest potential and to ensure that I do better than I did yesterday.
3. What are some of the challenges you faced or currently facing ?
I started selling perfumes & colognes outside The University of The Free State in a gazebo. I had to ignore people’s laughs and comments even though it was hard to keep a straight face, It took strength and focus because I really was no different from a street vendor but that’s what I had to do to get to the end goal. My current challenge is patience. Trusting God’s timing and that He’ll give me the finances to expand Lisatone into exactly what I want it to be when He’s ready.

4. How did you overcome them ?
God gave me strength. I was not ashamed to kneel down and cry in His presence because He blessed and trusted me enough with Lisatone so He had to figure them out.
5. What range of products do you offer and how can people purchase them ?
Lisatone offers male colognes, female perfumes, female clothing and we are currently working on our male collection. These items are available on our website ( and on Instagram (@_lisatone)
6. Where do you see this business in the next 5 years ?
The aim is to have Lisatone on everyone’s lips, be it for date night, clubbing, work and so forth. For Lisatone to become a need,to be an addiction to our market.

7. What opportunities has covid created for your business?
Covid is a nightmare, it has not created any opportunities.
8. What are some of your life lessons so far ?
There are so many but to sum them up into one sentence I would say “Life is not black or white, it’s grey”. There honestly is no manual. Everything will fall into place the way it’s meant to through grace, mercy and favour from God.
9. Who are your role models ?
I have been inspired by some but I don’t believe in role models. I do appreciate people who live and share their truth.

10. What do you do to unwind ?
I spend time with my family. God blessed me with amazing parents and a perfect little brother.
11. How can people contact you?
Via Email :[email protected]
Via Instagram: @_Lisatone
Via Twitter: @_Lisatone