Interview With SA Entrepreneur And Owner Of Millysun’s -Yanga Milisani Qithi

Yanga Milisani Qithi is the owner of Millysun’s. A passionate foodie with many other talents up her sleeve, she has successfully groomed and perfected her cooking skills to establish her own fast food start up, Millysun’s.
Milisani is also a wellness coach and beautician on-top of being an exceptional cook. We got the chance to interview Milisani in this interview to get more insight on her cooking business.
1. What inspired Millysun’s ?
Well I’ve always had a passion for cooking and making great and delicious meals for people, a skill I took for granted and didn’t know I was actually good at, at first but as I grew older I realized how much I enjoy cooking and that hey I am actually very good at this so maybe let me take all the advice I’ve received from people who have always been encouraging me to make money out of it.
2. What sets you apart from other players in the food and delivery business ?
Making and selling food is not just about the money for me but about the experience really,I want to make people feel good through my food!I want to take them through an experience of amazing and delicious food but also food that’s made with love,good quality food that also comes in beautiful packaging. From the moment you get your delivery people are already amazed by the packaging of the food which excites them to opening the food and seeing how well presented it is and lastly to eating the food and just being so satisfied with it. That’s what I give my clients and hope to give to many more people!
3. What Opportunities Has Covid Presented for your business ?
Millysuns was actually opened during COVID. Right now I would say the fact that people are not going out a lot to restaurants and people are doing more deliveries and eating from home so that has given me an opportunity to tap into that and make use of it because they are more likely to order from me right now.
4. What has been the reception since launching ?
Uuuhhm I think that like any new business that’s starting out things start out slow at first and even more challenging now because of COVID, but Ive had really really supporting people around me! Who have been so so supportive, my partner, family, friends, clients from my other businesses. So I am extremely grateful for these people but Now the focus is on reaching out to more clients.
5. What meals do you serve and when ?
I have quite a broad menu from sea food to meat and Mexican dishes etc I don’t like to limit or box myself into just 1 or a few things. I love food, exploring new dishes and also challenging myself so my clients can always expect a variety of meals. We operate Monday-Sunday from 12pm-10pm.
6. Tell us about your expansion to Uber Eats
That’s something that just happened so it’s still new and something I hope can take my business to the next level. It came as a surprise and something I never saw happening but that I am very grateful for and I hope to maximize from it as best as I can.
7. Which areas will your food be delivered to ?
With Uber eats it’s places around Centurion but we also do deliveries for other places like Midrand, Pretoria, Fourways and surrounding areas.
8. Other than selling food we noticed you also do catering and cooking classes please tell us more.
Yes we do Cooking classes but sadly that has been put on hold right now because of COVID-19 and we hope to resume as soon as things are better or back to normal.The cooking classes are Once a week at a cost of R500 per session and we provide all cooking utensils and recipes all you have to do is show up for the class.
9. How can people order your food ?
You can order from Uber eats or order directly through me on 0768713425 via call or WhatsApp or email us on [email protected]
10. Where do you see your business in 5 years ?
I hope to have my own established restaurant by then and a bakery. To be one of the biggest catering companies.