10 Inspirational Quotes by Ian Fuhr

Ian Fuhr is widely known as the founder of the Sorbet Group. Here are 10 Inspirational Quotes by Ian Fuhr.
- “If you do not treat people with the respect they deserve, do not expect any kind of commitment to your productivity goals and target.”
- “People have needs and wants. We call that DEMAND. There are also people who service these needs and wants. That is called SUPPLY. If there were no people to serve, there would be no business. So the true definition of business is nothing more than: PEOPLE SERVING PEOPLE.”
- “The essence of his concept was that the purpose of work is to serve, not to make money, and that service should always come before reward. As long as people put self-interest before service, success will be elusive. He also believed that people are creators of wealth, not units of expense, and they should be treated as assets, not cost burdens.”
- “Racial intolerance has dented our Rainbow nation. Shouldn’t stop us from building Rainbow Companies. Respect and tolerance are the keys.”
- “Serve the people (employees) who are serving the people (customers). That is true servant leadership.”
- “Who do you work for? If you’re an employer you work for the employee. If you’re an employee, you work for the customer. Servant Leadership.”
- “Milestones come and go but the memories linger on. Celebrate them all so that they are securely deposited in the memory bank.”
- “Customer satisfaction is not good enough. It only meets expectations. Rather build customer loyalty by exceeding expectations.”
- “Great leaders get people to buy into their vision and to follow them to places they wouldn’t normally go by themselves.”
- “To all young entrepreneurs. Rather aim high and miss your target than aim low and hit it.”