10 Things you should know about Lindani Dhlamini

Lindani Dhlamini is widely known as the founder of Xabiso Chartered Accountants. Here are 10 Things you should know about Lindani Dhlamini.
- Lindani Dhlamini dumped the corporate ladder to establish one of the country’s well known accounting firms, Xabiso Chartered Accountants.
- In 2003, she founded Xabiso Chartered Accountants.
- She is now training her her sights on the development of black accountants in South Africa.
- Dhlamini said she merged Xabiso with Sekela Consulting in 2012 to achieve her goals.
- The new enterprise, SkX Protiviti, is now an empire that rakes in annual earnings of more than R200 million.
- Like Xabiso, SkX Protiviti is a risk advisory and business consulting firm with nearly 250 in its employ.
- Its clients include companies that enjoy a top listing on the JSE.
- SkX Protiviti is also the country’s second biggest auditing firm after Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo.
- Dhlamini says the company is 50 percent owned by women.
- Last year SkX Protiviti was accepted into the prestigious and highly profitable global network, American-based Protiviti, of leading accounting firms.