Swiss Conglomerate Nestle Becomes The First FMCG Company To Join Polyco

Swiss Conglomerate Nestle Becomes The First FMCG Company To Join Polyco. Nestlé has announced that it has become the first food and manufacturing company to join the Polyolefin Responsibility Organisation (Polyco), a not-for-profit industry body that focuses on reducing the amount of used polyolefin plastic packaging waste that are land filled, and plastic waste in the environment.
Nestlé East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) corporate communications and public affairs director Saint-Francis Tohlang told Retail Brief Africa that sustainability challenges could not be addressed through a singular approach. “As Nestlé in East and Southern Africa, we know that addressing sustainability challenges cannot be resolved without collaboration and it therefore becomes important to work with like-minded partners like Polyco.”
“Being a leading food and beverage company in the world, we have drawn lessons from other markets that have successfully joined producer responsibility organisations in a way that has made a meaningful impact on collection and recycling initiatives. We are excited to join Polyco and hope our contribution can lead to increases in the recycling rate of polyolefin plastic,” said Tohlang.
This announcement yesterday dove-tailed with Nestlé’s recent launch of its RE sustainability initiative in South Africa aimed at reinforcing all its sustainability initiatives, strategies and resources to help mitigate sustainability challenges and strengthen its contribution to a waste-free future.
Polyco chief executive Mandy Naudé told Retail Brief Africa that, “Nestlé had shown their commitment to extended producer responsibility making them (Polyco) delighted to have them join the organisation as their very first brand owner member. Brand owners are key stakeholders within the packaging and recycling value chain as they are the decision-makers for the packaging that is placed on the market and which ultimately either gets collected for recycling or ends up in the environment.”
“We are excited to further our impact in growing the collection and recycling of polyolefin plastic packaging in South Africa, and to work closely with our members to support ending plastic waste in the environment,” Naudé added.