
Pam Golding Property Group Dips Into Online Auctions

Highly reputable property business, Pam Golding Property Group has launched a new division within its already existing digital platforms called the Pam Golding Auctions which is powered by BidX1.

The company will start exploring this new opportunity on 22 October 2020, with a total of 16 properties that vary in pricing and aspirations. The online auction serves as a convenience for buyers hence they’ll greatly benefit from this easily accessible online platform.

BidX1 has gained a reputation for being at the forefront regarding all things pertaining to innovative online property strategies and evolution.

Pam Golding Property Group chief executive, Andrew Golding stated the following :

“This new online auction initiative provides sellers with an additional, highly effective channel to market their homes to serious buyers.”

“A trend which has become increasingly evident during lockdown and which is expected to continue in a post-Covid environment is that both sellers and buyers are realising the ease and success of the online trading space.”

The evolution within the property industry in South Africa has formed impressive strides. With the formation of online auctioning, this could be the next big and best thing to ever exist in the property sector, especially during the millennium era.

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