How Financial Services Start-Up Elevate Aims To Help People Live A Financially Secure Life

How Financial Services Start-Up Elevate Aims To Help People Live A Financially Secure Life. Elevate is a financial services company that believes that times have changed – from the way people use technology, to what they expect from its financial services, to its understanding of health and human behaviour. Most insurance products have not adapted and so have become outdated. They do not make use of the data and technologies available today to tailor products to you. We have built Elevate as a new way of doing life insurance.

Designed with the company’s goal of helping people live a long, healthy, prosperous, and financially secure life, it has built its products around shared incentives that reward them for worrying less and living more. Elevate was founded by a group of innovators and actuaries with extensive backgrounds in optimum health and wellness. It saw an opportunity to develop a new offering of next-generation life insurance products all completely tailored around its clients and their unique needs. With insurance products that accurately reflect their unique needs. Using the latest available technologies and security, harnessing available data and customer-centric design, Elevate offers tailor-made personalised insurance that aligns its interest and its client’s which enables them to live a long, healthy, prosperous life.
Elevate Life seeks to partner with people and companies that support its vision and empower it to provide the best insurance offering in the market. The Elevate Customer Portal is can be used as a window into the client’s wellness world. It gives clients the information, tools and control to be the best and most well version of they can be.
Each month it provides its clients with a personalised set of goals to help them improve their wellbeing based on the data sources they activate. The company also aims to help look after its client’s income when they can’t. It replaces the lost income to their family as they rely on it in the unfortunate event that they become disabled.