“Women Empowerment is key to our business” – IDC

IDC talks women empowerment in it’s newsletter titled “Women Empowerment is key to our business”
“For institutions that have been entrusted with the responsibility to alleviate an economic free-fall and help shape South Africa’s post-Covid-19 recovery, the task at hand is daunting. And the IDC is critical in shaping the trajectory of the country’s economic recovery.
While we acknowledge the devastation of the pandemic, we believe it has also created an opportunity to elevate critical issues, including gender diversity and parity in the workplace. Key to a successful and sustainable economic recovery, will be a diverse and vastly transformed business environment that provides opportunities for women. It is thus imperative to draw more women into the mainstream economy. This is important, because the IDC plays a critical role in mobilising private sector-led investment – which is exactly what South Africa now requires to boost growth.
Key to a successful and sustainable economic recovery is a diverse and transformed business environment that provides opportunities for women.
Our clients across various sectors face different challenges as a result of the difficult trading environment. The IDC has launched funding interventions to support clients who have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. We remain committed to sustainable transformation, including ramping up support to women-owned business.
As a case in point, over the past five years, we have approved R7.1-billion to women empowered enterprises. However, our view is that this should not only be limited to financial support. We would like to see more women assume positions of leadership in business and the workplace. Our commitment is best reflected in the gender composition of our executive management and staff. We believe this is a reflection of a transformed institution that adheres to the tenets of gender parity. Hence this edition of our newsletter is meant to give some of the IDC women the opportunity to share their views on Women’s Month and what it means to be a woman in the modern-day corporate environment.
Let us do so mindful of the fact that we are in the throes of a pandemic that has severely impacted our lives. I urge that we exercise caution and adhere to safe practices such as wearing of masks, social-distancing and regular washing or sanitizing of hands. “
TP Nchocho
Chief Executive Officer