10 Black Owned SA Sneaker Brands You Should Know About [ Part 2]

Over the past couple of years we’ve seen the rise of local brands in fashion, not only that but the public embracing them and supporting proud black owned brands.
These ten sneaker brands are proudly black and proudly South African, making a mark on the market locally with so much potential to go global. Check out these 10 black owned sneaker brands you need to know about.
6. Baronza

Baronza is a sub-division brand that comes from M & T Empire, a company that seeks to be the leading role player in advancing the life’s of ordinary South Africans. It is a sneaker named after Ronald Mani, a prominent social activist from Limpopo who fought against corruption.
7.Nguni Brand

Nguni Brand is a 100% South African Brand. Born and produced in Durban. The brand is inspired by the beautiful and colourful Nguni Culture. We draw most of our inspiration from the Zulu, Xhosa , Ndebele patterns.

9. Vaya Footwear

VAYA Footwear is a proudly South African sneaker brand that celebrates excellence and pushes the ambitious to keep reaching for their lifetime GOALS.
10. Konke Kuhamba Kahle

Konkhe Kuhamba kahle (KKK) means all is well. it’s about giving hope,being positive in life and changing your environment through confession.