Youngsta CPT’s YGen Apparel Partners With Netflix SA’s ‘Blood And Water’ For Exclusive Merchandise

Youngsta CPT’s YGen Apparel Partners With Netflix SA’s ‘Blood And Water’ For Exclusive Merchandise. Big corporations are known to collaborate with artists in order to create new products or promote their campaigns. This way these corporations can be able to uplift these artists as they will be providing enough capital for the growth of the products they are working on or the campaigns that they are promoting and the artists can be beneficial to the corporations too as they will make sure the brand stays in the public eye.

Netflix South Africa has announced the season 2 of its popular series called “Blood and Water” which is set to be released on the 24th of September 2021. The announcement of the upcoming season also came with the announcement of the collaboration between Netflix’s Blood and Water and Youngsta CPT’s YGen Apparel clothing brand. The collaboration has resulted in the two brands creating an exclusive clothing collection for the second season of the series; the merchandise however will not be for sale as the brands have stated that they created this collection for promotional purposes only.
Nonetheless this is a huge achievement for Youngsta CPT’s YGen Apparel as it is collaboration with a big corporation such as Netflix SA, which means the clothing brand will gain massive exposure to the audiences that will be watching the highly anticipated second season of the Blood and Water Series. This may also open doors for YGen Apparel for future collaborations with Netflix SA as they’ve already developed a working relationship.

Youngsta CPT’s is known and regarded as one of the best rappers in South Africa, however the musician doesn’t shy away form exploring his business interests and making sure that these interests thrive as well as his music career did. This way he is able to create a legacy that doesn’t only relate to music but also other business ventures and this will set him up to create generational wealth that he will be able to pass on to his family.
The rapper is setting an example for young aspiring musicians as well as musicians that are already in the industry, that they should not be limiting themselves to only making music but to also venture into other lucrative business opportunities that will set them apart from the rest of the crowd and also be beneficial to their finances in the future.