
Renergen Aims To Provide Alternative Renewable Energy In South Africa

Renergen Aims To Provide Alternative Renewable Energy In South Africa. Renergen is an Alternative Energy investments company, focused on the alternative and renewable energy sectors in South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. As an investment holding company Renergen aims to participate in the growth of the African alternative energy sector, take advantage of investor demand and benefit from the growing need for alternative and renewable energy in South Africa and in sub-Saharan Africa. The company is proud to have been the first primary JSE listed Special Purpose Acquisition Company (or SPAC) in South Africa, and the first listed Alternative Energy company on the JSE.

Renergen’s principal asset is its 100% shareholding in Tetra4, which holds the first and only onshore petroleum production right (issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE)) in South Africa, giving it first mover advantage on distribution of domestic natural gas. Its Virginia Gas Project is located in the Free State, approximately 250 km southwest of Johannesburg.

The company’s natural gas contains one of the richest helium concentrations recorded globally. The natural gas is also very pure with an average of over 90% methane, and almost zero higher alkanes, which reduces the complexity of liquefication. Furthermore, the natural gas offers a less carbon-intensive substitute for South Africa’s existing transport fuel, thermal fuel and power.

As an emerging helium and domestic natural gas producer, it recognises the importance of energy supply and power generation whilst managing its environmental footprint. Environmental sustainability and protection are at the forefront of the company’s operation. Renergen ensures that all its contractors and suppliers adhere to the guiding principles behind its business. By ensuring compliance, the company believes the extraction of gas can be both environmentally friendly and sustainable and most importantly be harmonious with other farming and industrial activities in the area in which it operates. Renergen conducts its business in a socially responsible and ethical manner, whilst protecting the environment and the safety of local communities in which they operate.

Renergen has also managed to develop the ground-breaking Cryo-Vacc which enables the safe transportation of the COVID-19 vaccine and biologics for up to 30 days.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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