
Sybrin Aims To Make Payments Easier Across All Platforms In The World

Sybrin Aims To Make Payments Easier Across All Platforms In The World. Sybrin has grown considerably over the past two decades to become a leading global technology company in the provision of payment and information processing solutions with particular emphasis on Voucher Processing, EFT, Day 2, Automated Clearing Houses, Mobile Commerce, Host Banking enhancements, and KYC amongst leading corporations, banks, and clearing houses. Today the company is a well-respected supplier in the banking and corporate sectors.

 It has provided solutions across Africa, the United Kingdom, and into the Middle East, servicing these solutions from the company’s strategically located international offices. Sybrin remains united in its mission and is focused on its commitment to customers. Their corporate governance is well-rounded and balanced through their breadth of global perspective and executive experience. As a result, the company is clear in its vision of the future, but equally well grounded in the reality of the present.

The company was founded in 1991 with the aim of making payments and financial services easily accessible to people and to also amplify their abilities and help them do their best work. In 2013 the company was acquired by EOH, a multinational technology company that is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) with over 11 000 employees. “Sybrin is a great fit into our existing strategy which includes stronger vertical focus and aggressive African expansion,” said Asher Bohbot, the former CEO of EOH, in an interview with Business Tech.

In 2017, Sybrin partnered with Tieto in handling payments in Africa. The partnership will offer card and payment switching solutions and establish omni-channel payment gateways. “We are very excited about our Partnership with Tieto. Their payment solutions complement the broad range of solutions already offered by Sybrin in Africa. Together, we plan not only to implement card and payment switching solutions, but also to innovate omni-channel payment gateways. Sybrin’s decision to partner with Tieto is based on the quality of their solutions, as well as our similarities in work ethics.” said Marius Maré, the Business Development Director at Sybrin, in a statement on Tieto’s website.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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