How Vusani Ravele’s Native Decor Helps In Decorating Office Spaces. Finding suitable decorations for one’s home or office space can be a difficult task if one has no idea of where to begin or how to come up with creative ideas that will make their space more aesthetically appealing. Certain decorations are only suitable for certain spaces and if they are mixed up; they can make a space uncomfortable or unproductive in terms of office space. Companies such as Native Decor provides decor designs that are suitable for a space as they custom make these decorations to suit the style of the client and what kind of space they would want to decorate.
Native Décor was founded in 2015 by Vusani Ravele. He started the business as a part time hobby from his living room after receiving a cordless drill as a Valentine’s Day gift. He simply couldn’t stop making and drilling holes into things.

The company creates visually pleasing products that are both innovative and functional using sustainable timber. Their minimalistic style, which underpins all of their designs, is mostly inspired by the diverse cultures, landscapes and influences of South Africa. Ravele designs and makes the decorations himself, as much as he is a designer, he also saw the need of viewing his creativity with business mindset so that it can be sustainable. “I knew very early on that I wanted to be an entrepreneur and that helped me quickly realise that I had to apply a business mindset to my passion if I wanted to create a brand under which I could sustainably and successfully grow as a designer.” said Ravel in an interview with Atelier55 Design.

A year later Vusi was making history on Mnet’s Shark Tank SA TV show as he became the first entrepreneur to benefit from a lucrative investment deal with his present day business partner, Gil Oved of The Creative Counsel. “Investment comes in many forms. I wanted Gil to invest in the business because I realised that investment isn’t purely about money. I didn’t just want him to invest his cash in Native Decor; I also wanted him to invest his time and energy. You can get money in different places. You can create a business that funds its own growth, for example, or you can get a loan from a bank. What an investor like Gill offers however is knowledge and access to a network.” said Ravele on the company website.