Digni Financial Services Aims To Build Financial Services That Are Customised To The African Culture. Digni Financial Services was founded in March 2014 by Cornet Thabiso Mamabolo and Johnny Modiba. For Cornet and Johnny, this was the time for the universe to breathe life into a vision they had been nurturing as sales representatives. Having been involved in sales, data management, training, consulting, intermediary and advisory services, they have seen a need to build a community in which financial service products are customised in accordance with the African way of defining and doing things. Digni Financial Services is a dream realisable to protect individuals, and businesses against industry conventional marginalisation and abuse, especially from excessive and unaffordable premiums and services. Their combined expertise resulted in the establishment of a financial institution to arrange customised underwriting for group schemes, direct marketing for individuals and business support to its stakeholders.
The community of expertise in their business is customer centric, reigns humanity and hold high professionalism for their client’s needs. By being customer centric, Digni Financial Services’ trademark was known for high quality service over premiums and integrity over revenue. Today, the business is popularly known for its diverse services that it can’t be pinned to just a mere funeral policy business. It is of the drive to provide comprehensive financial services to human kind, with a vision to render services beyond funeral policies. It envisions expanding its scope into primary care, hospital plan, medical aid, disability benefits and provident fund.
The company aims to render dignified funeral and health care financial services. It also seeks to specialise in satisfactory funeral product offering for clients. It also offers accommodative products to working class, pensioners & Africans in general as it aims to develop administration indoor systems for its clients.
Its objectives include building a client base, working with clients in a fashion preferred by the client, be it on-site, remotely or a combination of both, to progressively build eternity revenues that will maximise its market share and footprint globally, develop products and systems that will make its clients distinct in the market and to build a client base through selling its products and underwrite client’s products as they are and further customise its products to suit its client’s vision.