How ANGOR Property Specialists Became One Of The Largest Property Managing Agents. ANGOR Property Specialists are one of the largest residential Property Managing Agents in the country and are responsible for the finances and management of over 45 000 Sectional Title and Homeowner’s Association units in over 450 schemes, worth in excess of R40 Billion. The company manages complexes and estates in Gauteng, Limpopo, North West Province, Kwazulu-Natal and the Western Cape. Its Managed Rentals division is responsible for managing residential rental properties throughout Gauteng. Its Residential Sales division consists of area experts with a focus on residential properties in the Northern Suburbs of Johannesburg. ANGOR is a systems-driven company with the most technologically advanced programs specifically tailored and developed for the property industry. ANGOR opens a separate Trust Account for each complex and estate. These accounts are insured through the Fidelity Fund offered by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. For the client’s peace of mind, ANGOR convenes an Independent Compliance Committee to conduct quarterly audits of the Trust Accounts.
Established in 1998, the company is fully compliant with Estate Agency Affairs Board, with up to date Fidelity Fund Insurance over all trust funds. It currently manages over 450 separate trust accounts. It has R1 Million additional insurance, over and above their Fidelity Fund Insurance. Independent Compliance Committee, who, with the auditors, certify compliance of trust fund accounts for all complexes managed by ANGOR. Independent Trust Account for each Body Corporate/Homeowners Association – Trustees and Directors are able to access their trust account with real time transaction records via the ANGOR Online service or via the ANGOR App for iOS or Android, available as a free download from the App Store. Monthly Financial Account Report – produced by state of the art, custom-built and owned accounting systems. ANGOR Online – the company’s exclusive online facility offers Trustees and Directors a vast mine of up to date information. At their convenience and from anywhere in the world, Trustees and Directors are able to access all documents pertaining to the management of the scheme through its website and App.
The company is a Registered Training Partner of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and the only managing agent in South Africa accredited with CIMA. Property Management is the company’s core business and as such, it focuses on providing service excellence in all areas. It believes that it offers its clients a unique and completely comprehensive service with value added benefits unmatched in the industry.