
Ludwick Marishane’s Dry Bath Gel Aims To Help Communities Without Water Stay Hygienic

Ludwick Marishane’s Dry Bath Gel Aims To Help Communities Without Water Stay Hygienic. Dry Bath Gel is an innovative gel that can be used as the world’s first water-less body wash. Dry Bath cleans the body by using the skin-rubbing motion of the hands to gently remove dead skin cells & full-body odour. It achieves this without damaging the skin’s natural protective barrier with germicides or the need for much water. Dry Bath provides the user with water-less hygiene when they don’t have the time, privacy, or water to shower…or times when bathing is just inconvenient or awkward. The 15ml gel cleans 1 full average adult body, and its active essential oils & Tawas odour-eliminator have a cleaning effect on the skin. One 250ml bottle provides 15 washes, enough to replace all showers for half of the month if it is used 3-4 times a week.

The Dry Bath Gel was invented by Ludwick Marishane. According to Digital Journal, Marishane realised that there is a market of around 2.5 billion people around the world who lack even basic access to water and of billions more who, like his friend, are often too lazy to take a shower, Marishane felt compelled to try creating the product.

Marishane revealed in a Ted Talk that he invented his product “to benefit people from the poorest communities in the world, and also for people in the developed world. For people without water, Dry Bath provides empowerment as an affordable tool to achieve lifesaving personal hygiene without having to be dependent on stagnant community water infrastructure development. For wealthier communities, it offers a convenient way to save time and decrease their unhealthy practice of unnecessary daily bathing (which is proven to cause continuous drying of the skin), while achieving adequate personal hygiene. In both situations, precious water is saved, which can be put to better use.”

Marishane was named the 2011 Global Student Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Marishane also became the youngest and only first-year student to receive an invitation as a delegate at the Brightest Young Minds Summit. This is an annual event that is reserved for 100 of SA’s smartest postgraduates countrywide. He also received the crown of innovator par excellence for his invention.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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