
Nkazimulo Applied Sciences Seeks To Encourage Young People To Pursue Science Related Careers

Nkazimulo Applied Sciences Seeks To Encourage Young People To Pursue Science Related Careers. Nkazimulo Applied Sciences helps young people become scientists. It does this because it believes in a South Africa where every young person has an opportunity to fall in love with science by having access to learning tools that allow them to reach their full potential and become what they want to be. The current situation is that an overwhelming number of schools in SA have no lab facilities thus making it difficult for learners going to these schools to be inspired, choose and excel in science subjects.

The company manufactures a mini science kit called Chem Start. This kit has experiments that a young person can perform. Chem Start links science concepts with their application in real life thus helping young people understand how knowledge is applied. The experience of performing the experiments engages young people fully, helping them better grasp science concepts and gain the confidence in handling lab tools. It believes understanding how knowledge is applied is a building block to innovation. It also does science demos as schools where it gets young people excited about science. It is not right for any student to do science experiments for the first time when they get to university. This is overwhelming and intimidating, yet thousands of learners find themselves in this position. The company has distributed Chem Start in schools in various provinces. Learners said they realise that science is not as scary as they thought it is, and they realise science is a subject they can pursue as a career.

The company managed to get recognition and win awards such as the Techwomen 2018 participant (Exchange program to San Francisco in USA); Finalist: Regional Business Women Award- Emerging Entrepreneur Category; SAB Foundation Social Innovation Awards 3rd prize winner, 2017; SAB Foundation Social Innovation Audience Choice Award, 2017; Spark International Audience Choice Award, 2017; SA’s Top 20 Small Business and Entrepreneurship award, 2016 and the Total Startupper of the Year, 2016.

The company is the only South African manufacturer of educational, portable science kits for use by learners at home or school so they can perform science experiments themselves It makes science concepts come to life, fun and unintimidating. It builds the confidence a child needs to pursue a science career. It makes school curriculum aligned portable science kits for use by young people at home and school so they can be inspired, fall in love with science and excel in it. This makes a great way of encouraging learners to start doing and enjoying science experiments.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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