Co-Founder Of Solo Restaurant Tumelo Maepa Shares The Story Behind The Name Of His Restaurant

Co-Founder Of Solo Restaurant Tumelo Maepa Shares The Story Behind The Name Of His Restaurant. In an interview with The Insider SA, co-owner of Solo Restaurant Tumelo Maepa shared how the name of the restaurant came about.

He said, “The name Solo was born out when myself and my partner used to go out and brainstorm, we used to sit and post food that we looking at or whatever we are doing and say solo date and we’d say but we together why are saying solo date. Just then that word solo started clicking and that’s how really the name was born.” The name of an establishment carries a lot of weight because this represents what the company is portraying to the world. It gives the company a unique identity that people will be able to distinguish from its competitors.
Solo is the brain child of two friends Tumelo Maepa & Hlompho Chauke, who saw the chance to create not just a restaurant but a truly unique dining concept. An experience set in a contemporary and upmarket setting, with a modern, fresh menu of South African inspired dishes. These elements, all in the heart of South Africa’s business hub all topped off with a celebration of contemporary urban African culture. When the meaning of the name of an establishment is communicated in a manner that is relatable to the customer, the establishment might use this as a marketing tool as many people will feel like they relate to the brand name and therefore end up supporting the business itself.
This is why brand identity is vital when picking a name for a business. With this name the restaurant is set to attract customers who resonate with it and find it intriguing. It is very vital that the meaning of the name is communicated as this brings more clarity as to why it was chosen and gives an idea of what the company represents.