Vuleka Is A Platform That Aims To Assist Informal Traders

Vuleka Is A Platform That Aims To Assist Informal Traders. Vuleka is a multi-award winning ecommerce and fintech platform. The Vuleka Platform is structured to support an entire trading ecosystem within the informal sector. It provides a route to market solution and through its Vuleka mobile App it facilitates bulk purchases of goods sold by informal business owners/vendors (Spaza shops). The platform connects small manufacturers and large wholesalers to spaza shop owners via their platform. The platform further takes responsibility to collect goods from the manufacturers and wholesalers and to deliver these goods to the shop owners.
It builds credit profiles for informal and unbanked business owner’s platform then provides them with credit (loans) in order to acquire stock. They in turn give stock on credit to their customers who then pay them at an agreed upon time. The manufactures are divided into the big FMCG companies as well as the smaller local manufacturers; it provides them with a route to market solution as well as access to market through its large network of informal business owners on its database. Most small manufactures also do have the money to list their products with the big retailers, list them on its Vuleka App and catalogue.
The company’s youth marketers on the ground promote their products to the shop owners. Through its Vuleka App it collects raw unfiltered information about their products and their customers; it conducts surveys directly from the consumers. It can also trace and track where their products are going to in the informal markets, track quantities sold and in which area.
It has one centralised warehouse where it houses stock but it also has micro distribution centres in partnership with independent entrepreneurs who live within the communities that it services. These help to distribute the goods ordered through its platform in small, specific geographical areas. MDCs are typically located in areas where a lack of stable roads and infrastructure makes it difficult for delivery trucks to travel, which helps it secure hard-to-reach markets while creating wealth and job growth in those communities. Those who set up MDCs employ others in the area, who then sell and distribute products to retailers in their communities. It delivers directly to the door of the informal business owner.