
How CBD Start-Up Med Leaf Seeks To Provide Medical A-Grade CBD Products For Its Clients

How CBD Start-Up Med Leaf Seeks To Provide Medical A-Grade CBD Products For Its Clients. Med Leaf was founded by Harold Ratshilavhi on the belief that CBD should be available at an affordable price. The company prides itself in marketing the purest CBD extracts and tinctures on the market. It uses only organic, medical A-grade Products.

The company was founded on the basis of good health and improving one patient at a time. It was established in 2019 to make CBD readily available to the SA public. The company has seen a bit of success as it was able to open the first CBD Store in 2020 in the heart of Johannesburg, making sure that it is opening the doors for individuals to experience the benefits of CBD. Med Leaf considers CBD as nature’s secret to a healthier and happier lifestyle. It vets all of its products, and it is confident that it is providing its clients with the highest quality products. Med Leaf believes that its clients have the right to know exactly what is inside their CBD products and it is its mission to never misinform the content of its products.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most well-known Phyto cannabinoid derived from Cannabis/Hemp plants for its large range of highly therapeutic and immune boosting qualities. According to the company, due to the fact that this powerful plant was prohibited until recently, there have only been a few clinical trials done on its medical value, which makes it difficult to make specific claims on ailments/diseases. There are extensive reports on health benefits anti-inflammation, neuro-regeneration, lower blood pressure and induced metabolic homeostasis.

The Cannabis industry is set to Giro through the coming years as there is more research being done on how the plant can help people medically. This will make this industry grow at an exponential rate as more corporations are begging to invest. Ratshilavhi has joined the industry in a time where there is much confusion about Cannabis and its benefits but soon this information will be easily available hence this business will be lucrative in the long term.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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