Digital Start-Up Datonomy Solutions Aims To Use The Philosophy Of Connected Value Creation To Help Businesses Grow

Digital Start-Up Datonomy Solutions Aims To Use The Philosophy Of Connected Value Creation To Help Businesses Grow. Datonomy Solutions is a company that feels like it is its responsibility and purpose to use its skills, knowledge and experience in DATA and DIGITAL to grow together and to help grow others. In alignment with the philosophy of Connected Value Creation, the company aims to not just offer products and services that deliver value to all key stakeholders as an output, but throughout the process as well.

The company inspires its customers and others to adopt the model, and show them how to engage with their customers and people in the same way. Its aim is not just to live this model for the sake of its own growth, but to do so in a way that inspires and helps others to do the same. Datonomy researches what is of value to all stakeholders in general, and it identifies where there is overlap between all stakeholders, and that is the part it focuses on, it then assigns drivers of value to each area using the 80/20 principle.
The driver it has chosen to deliver Employee Value is called the Entrepreneurial Plan. It starts at the very first interview with a set of questions that are designed to help people relook at their old paradigms and develop a new one that enables them to achieve the most value for themselves. The moment a person joins Datonomy Solutions, they are assigned a mentor who continually uncovers their passion and skills and overlaps that with what is of value to its clients. In the area where there is an overlap, the company agrees to a yearly plan that helps them add value to themselves while adding value to its clients at the same time.
The company’s clients meet with their mentors once a month, who support them in delivering Connected Value Creation to all stakeholders. Plus, it also has monthly client team meetings and quarterly competency groups for problem solving and upskilling.