Software Start-Up Delter Seeks To Make The Management And Growth Of A Business Easy To Handle

Software Start-Up Delter Seeks To Make The Management And Growth Of A Business Easy To Handle. Through its extensive knowledge of the micro lenders industry Delter has developed four software packages that makes the management and growth of a business very easy to handle.

Delter’s software can be used in any size of micro lending business, from small single offices, to big groups and even in banks. The company’s software caters for any micro lending setup, from running the business centrally over the Internet or just managing one’s business locally in their office. The company integrates with the best service providers to ensure its business can run smoothly and profitably. Integrations insure that data gets sent accurately between software systems.
Currently Delter supports integrations with four credit bureaus, three payment systems and one debt collecting software package. The company also has an export facility to the very well known Pastel bookkeeping software as well as to the major banks. It continually strives to make sure that its software does exactly what it’s suppose to do and to make sure that its support stays one of its best features.
Through the company’s extensive knowledge of the micro lending industry it has developed various software packages that make the management and growth of its micro lending business easy to handle. The company’s creditors management software can be used in any size of micro lending business, from small, single offices to big groups and even in banks.
Delter’s microfinance management software caters for any micro lending setup, from running one’s business centrally over the Internet or just managing their business locally in their office.