How Masodi Organics Aims To Supply Natural Hair And Skin Care Products

How Masodi Organics Aims To Supply Natural Hair And Skin Care Products. Masodi Organics is a hair care and skin care brand inspired by nature’s nourishment. The products are made with meticulous attention to detail, from the ingredients the company chooses all the way to the essential oils used for nutrition and a refreshing fragrance. They are simply crafted to look and feel like a reflection of its customers.
The company is not here to fix its clients, their hair and skin, or how they choose to nurture them. It is here to simply expand their options, which customers can choose to take or not to take. Beauty on one’s own terms means whatever the highest expression of themselves is; the company is also committed to meeting them there.
Liz Letsoalo is the founder of Masodi Organics which is an online-based beauty shop that makes and sells 100% natural hair and skin products. She is currently working on launching Rave, a mobile beauty service that brings hair, makeup and nail services to clients in the comfort of their home. Liz started off her career in corporate and has a background in Industrial Engineering and also has interests in politics and governance. She recently partook in a fellowship journey through Apolitical Academy, a program that is aimed at grooming the next generation of ethical leaders.
“Growing up, I remember my mother always selling something at home: chicken feet/necks/gizzards/livers, cool drinks, vegetables, and many other things. We never had a dedicated spaza shop, so business would take place right in the heart of our house. My sister, Nngale, also ran her own micro businesses in parallel, doing all sorts of things from braiding people’s hair to knitting hats and selling sweets at school.” Letsoalo told News24.
“As I started understanding myself more, I knew that if I had to sell something, it would have to be rooted in an ideology that resonates, and that I truly believe would be meaningful. Masodi Organics, a business named after the most influential woman in my life, my mother, therefore had to be rooted in something greater than just the product itself. And I had to believe the story wholeheartedly for me to respect it and to see it through.” Letsoalo added.