
The Buy My Stuff App Aims To Allow Online Selling And Buying Capability To The Consumer

The Buy My Stuff App Aims To Allow Online Selling And Buying Capability To The Consumer. The BuyMyStuff (BMS) App brings a comprehensive online selling and buying capability to the average consumer, building the world’s largest flea market with individual stores, communications systems, Geo-location functionality, review systems and innovative smart wallet technology.

With BuyMyStuff, it is easier than ever to take one’s business online. Whether they have a pre-existing business, or they just have some extra stuff lying around they’d like to dispose of, BuyMyStuff has built in geo-location, so people can shop in their community and its own state of the art messaging system, which allows them to quickly and easily communicate with their customers or with other vendors. BMS is a unified national marketplace. There is a market out there for products and it is committed to its client’s growth by supporting them with all the tools they will need to scale their business and realise their potential. BMS takes their products and services to their target audience for them.

BMS is specifically designed for the small business owner and individuals who are looking for ways to supplement their income. If they offer a product or service, it has never been easier to turbo-charge their success and have a fully-fledged online store in a matter of minutes. Buyers can shop from a wide variety of goods and services, safely and conveniently from the comfort of their homes. BMS is more than just an app; it is a truly open digital market space committed to inclusivity and is available to everyone free of charge.

BMS is designed to empower its clients right from the start. They can be a business owner in 5 minutes or less with all the features of the mega online stores they are familiar with. No credit card is needed to shop. Money is tokenised via the Smart Wallet which allows for cashless transactions, and also allows users to transfer funds to each other in a safe and seamless way.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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