SA Entrepreneur Biopelo Mabe Highlights The Importance Of Evolving As A ‘Hustler’

In an interview with DJ Sbu on the “Hustler’s Corner”, Biopelo Mabe shared the importance of evolving as a hustler. Mabe stated that her background was one of the things that were hindering her progress with her self development and self confidence. She believes that this is the case for many people as they are unable to adapt and move on from a situation or circumstances that cause discomfort.

Mabe said, “… That a big thing we also need to understand about certain elements or goals that we have, they are not a ends itself but means to an end and once you understand that you are able to move on from things in a healthy way. Some people get caught up in the fact that they didn’t get the job, scholarship or title and they dwell into the victim mentality. Your life is beyond that, people should constantly plan and that’s a mentality of a hustler. You never content in just getting a ticked box, you have to constantly evolve and move.”
A former news presenter, political analyst and Miss South Africa 1st Princess, Mabe now builds and manages brands on social and digital platforms. She is a communications and marketing professional with a keen passion for digital content strategy. She develops and implements social media strategies, campaigns and creative content that aligns with an organisation’s goals while maintaining relevance, impact and engagement with online audiences. Her experience in the media and television industries, coupled with her entrepreneurial background come in handy when developing digital engagement strategies for brands.
Not being stagnant is very important as an entrepreneur because one has to be able to adapt to different situations that arise from owing a business. Entrepreneurs shouldn’t be stuck on a failure or anything negative that they have encountered as this will impede their progress in business.
By Thomas Chiothamisi