
Entrepreneur Selebogo Molefe Shares What He Believes Is One Of The Most Important Points Entrepreneurs Need To Address When Pitching Their Business

Entrepreneur Selebogo Molefe Shares What He Believes Is One Of The Most Important Points Entrepreneurs Need To Address When Pitching Their Business. Pitching a business is a very important aspect in an entrepreneur’s life as this will determine whether their business will grow or not. Knowing how to pitch to different people such as business investors and customers is a skill that can be very valuable not only for the business’ growth but also for the personal growth of an entrepreneur.

In a ‘#BuiltToLastSME’ Webinar series by Sasol South Africa, entrepreneur Selebogo Molefe shared what he believes is one of the most critical points an entrepreneur needs to address when they’re pitching their business, this point being the problem statement. Molefe highlighted the importance of knowing what problem one’s business is solving as this will determine the direction the business needs to take in order to effectively address this problem and therefore provide effective solutions that will lead to customer satisfaction. He said, “A good pitch starts by illustrating the problem that your business is solving, understandably most people would like to introduce themselves but quite often if you try and surprise your audience by giving them the facts around your problem statement, you’ve garnered their interest, now you have their attention and now they want to know more.”

“…You’re displaying an understanding through your research of what the problem is in the market place and you’re going to come through and try and present a solution. A critical thing here is for you to be sharing facts and numbers, people love numbers. One of the things I also do in my own pitches when we’re trying to solicit funding for entrepreneurs, is to give a very clear picture of the funding landscape in South Africa, and the problem that we’re trying to solve for in that space.”

This shows that having a problem statement in a pitch will actually make the people that entrepreneurs are pitching to relate one’s business into the real life problem that people face. This will also give a clear direction of the pitch as people will now be interested in the solution an entrepreneur has to offer to solve the problem that they’ve stated. This will provide a seamless flow of the pitch and thus avoiding making mistakes and not remembering the rest of the pitch.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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