How Home Organisation Start-Up ‘The Neat System’ Aims To Assist People In Decluttering Their Home Environment

How Home Organisation Start-Up ‘The Neat System’ Aims To Assist People In Decluttering Their Home Environment. The NEAT System is a company that works with its clients in any area of their home to simplify their life and help restore a spacious and calming environment. The company can tailor solutions for its clients that are stylish, functional and most importantly easy to maintain.

Clutter tends to build up slowly over a period of time until it reaches a critical point where one feels they can no longer function at their best. If the clutter is holding them back and they’re are finding it overwhelming The NEAT System seeks to help as it declutters surfaces, pantries, rooms and entire houses. The company also organises kitchens, wardrobes, bedrooms, home offices and garages. It customises storage solutions for every area of its client’s home. It also manages its client’s memorabilia from their kid’s artwork to family heirlooms. The NEAT System always leaves its clients with a space that they feel happy in and the knowledge and skills to keep it that way.
The company was founded by Suzie, she is passionate about making home life easier, more organised and enjoyable. Her love for cooking is what introduced her to the organised life, it simply started with her wanting to organise her spices and before she knew it, everything in her home had a place and a label. “I loved how labels transformed my ordinary spaces into amazing, and decided to teach others how to simply organise their spaces with practicality and functionality in mind. Here at The Neat System, I have poured my heart into creating a unique range of labels and storage solutions to transform your desired space into GOALS.” said Suzie on the company’s website.
The NEAT System also provides consultation for clients that need advice on how to organise their home neatly. The company will provide an organiser that advice them about decluttering methods, space planning, storage recommendations, and maintenance strategies. This organiser will make sure that the clients are equipped with the tools they will need to declutter and organise their home and life.