How Shesha Tuks Became The Only Licensed Tuk Tuk Taxi Service In Gauteng

How Shesha Tuks Became The Only Licensed Tuk Tuk Taxi Service In Gauteng. Over the past four years, Shesha Tuks has grown from a startup company with a dream, to one which has changed the face of Gauteng public transport. Shesha is currently the only legalised and fully licensed tuk tuk taxi service operating in Gauteng.

Shesha currently operates 55 fully compliant tuk-tuks which provide fun, convenient and cost effective short haul transport in Sandton, Rosebank and Pretoria. The eco-friendly nature of its vehicles is endorsed by its recent active participation in the pioneering Sandton Eco-mobility festival. The company’s main focus is to provide safe commuting for its customers and to empower driver-entrepreneurs, all while looking after the environment.
The company’s vision is to be the first electric tuks to service the South African market and incubate young, black entrepreneurs to create employment opportunities and boost earnings potential for ordinary South Africans. Its imported Piaggio tuk tuks carry a European ‘green rating’ based on the European Standard Emissions guidelines. Shesha Tuks is going even greener by converting its oDur fleet into fully electric tuks.
Its mission is to promote job creation and empowerment to a new generation of self-sustainable people and providing low cost, convenient and safe transport for its customers. The company goals are embedded in a culture of inclusive entrepreneurial empowerment. The Shesha shuttle service provides corporate clients with a fully dedicated and branded service to ensure maximum convenience to transport employees. Whether it’s from a remote parking lot to the main building site or from the Gautrain to their office.
Shesha has also managed to secure a partnership with the Awethu Project – a level 1 B-BBEE investment company as a majority shareholder. The Awethu Project is the most innovative SMME investment company in South Africa. Awethu uses entrepreneurship to build the society everyone wants to live in – a fair society in which everyone has the opportunity to realise their full potential and help solve the socio-economic challenges of South Africa by fostering access to high-impact, formal sector SMME opportunities.