
Entrepreneur Mokgadi Mabela Explains The Importance Of ‘Starting With What You Have’ As An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Mokgadi Mabela Explains The Importance Of ‘Starting With What You Have’ As An Entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is something that a whole lot of people are keen to get in to, however there are also people who deem it as very challenging and to some it is an impossible task. This is because many people think that in order to start a business one needs to have sufficient capital or resources at their disposal that will cover all the needs of the business.

This is why entrepreneur and founder of Native Nosi, Mokgadi Mabela highlighted the importance of entrepreneurs starting their businesses with whatever they have. Whether the resources or the capital is limited, Mabela believes that entrepreneurs should start with the little that they have so that they are able to face challenges and overcome them, as this will make them a much better business person in the future.

In an interview with Yoco SA, she said, “I always say the same thing, and that is just start. What do you have? You have your laptop, what can you do? You can research, you can open a social media page, start by posting things that are related to your business that you are not necessarily doing. For example if you want to become a farmer, you have got a dustbin and you are cooking, talk about maybe making compost. Start in a way that you will be able to grow with your clients, but it’s very important to start because nobody is going to invest in someone that sitting in a corner.”

Mabela mentions a very important point when she says ‘nobody is going to invest in someone who is sitting in a corner’, this statement seeks to show entrepreneurs that the only way that they will be able to attract investors or even customers is by them being out there and working on their business with the little that they have. This is why it’s important to start with what one has as people will gravitate towards them when they are working with whatever they have in order to achieve their goals. Entrepreneurs need this mind-set as it will help them when they are starting their business venture as well as when they are facing challenges in the business.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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