How Clothing Brand Start-Up EYami Fashion Aims To Infuse Zulu Beadwork Into Their Designs

How Clothing Brand Start-Up EYami Fashion Aims To Infuse Zulu Beadwork Into Their Designs. EYami Fashion is a brand that draws inspiration from the symbolism, depth, vibrancy and exuberance of Zulu beadwork. The beadwork is characterised by a symmetrical combination and patterning of seven core colours (black, blue, yellow, green, pink, red, white), different combinations of these colours have specific significance, nuance and meaning.

The three most significant combinations are: Isishunka, which is a colour coded beadwork pattern combining seven colours (white, light blue, dark green, pale yellow, pink, red and black); Isithembu, which is a colour coded beadwork pattern combining five colours (light blue, grass green, bright yellow, red and black); Umzansi, which is a colour coded beadwork pattern combining seven of the eight colours , white, dark blue, green grass and red and Isinyolovane combination, it’s signature launch print, is not consistent with any of the outlined colour schemes, it combines the beauty and meaning of all of the above patterns, encompassing all seven colours, this combination of colours embodies positivity.
The brand offers a wide range of apparel and lifestyle items which are inspired by the vibrancy and diversity of South African cultures. All its items are masterfully crafted using an infusion of plain fabrics and its signature prints. The company’s name, ‘eYami’, a Nguni word which means ‘mine’, is about proudly and unapologetically ‘owning your identity’, whilst allowing people the space to evolve. It is about embracing and celebrating where they come from, where they are and where they are headed. The company endeavours to give a contemporary twist to the much loved traditional designs and prints, creating a platform where modern yet traditionally conscious fashion lovers can find expression.
In the development of its custom prints, it prides itself in the empowerment of young talented, black graphic designers in the interpretation of South African cultures and trends. The designs are rooted in South African heritage, an embodiment of style, relevance and elegance. The company was co-founded by Nonhlanhla (Nana) Magubane, who serves as its Managing Director, she is a GIBS MBA graduate, marketer and social entrepreneur and Zonke Mashile, who serves as the company’s Finance Director, she is also a GIBS MBA alumni, and a former accountant turned social entrepreneur.