
Khaltsha Cycles Founders Share The Long Term Plans For Their Business

Khaltsha Cycles Founders Share The Long Term Plans For Their Business. Building a business brings about a lot of opportunities for the entrepreneur to have a much more significant positive impact on their communities as this will encouragement the people in the community to keep supporting the business.

Townships in South Africa still need a lot developing and this can be achieved through building sustainable businesses that will not only create employment but also bring significant social impact. Townships need innovative entrepreneurs that will be able to create businesses that will also attract investors so that the business can grow and thus growing the kind of opportunities that can be found in the townships.

In an interview with The Insider SA, Khaltsha Cycles founders, Sindile Mavundla and Juma Mkwela shared the future prospects of their cycling company that is located in Khayelitsha. Mkwela said, “The bigger goal this space is going back to our main dream as Khaltsha Cycles is to have a bike hub that consist of a bike store, a bike mechanic, we are going to have coffee, also going to be doing workshops, we will also be running learn to cycle classes. So this is a space for anyone that wants to learn or understand or have a bicycle.”

Mavundla told The Insider SA that, “We are trying to create this family vibe, and a network of like minded people, our space is definitely an exciting space to be part of, and I think since this is something new people want to associate themselves with it. The main goal is to actually get Khayelitsha as cycling township. There has been a conversation of making Cape Town a cycling city and to actually do that I think we have to start with townships.”

“We want to see Khayelitsha being linked to Cape Town through a bicycle freeway, we are currently having a conversation about how it could work, we want Khayelitsha to be linked to Stellenbosch through a bicycle lane, where people can take the bicycle and ride to Stellenbosch but also we want people to use bicycles as a preferred mode of transport.”Mavundla added. Khaltsha Cycles seeks to make a significant impact in its community, this is shown through the plans it has for the business in the long term.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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