
DentX Co-Founder Nolo Mokoena Explains How The Pandemic Made His Business Shift Towards A More Human Focus

DentX Co-Founder Nolo Mokoena Explains How The Pandemic Made His Business Shift Towards A More Human Focus. In an interview with AlphaCode Club, DentX Co-Founder Nolo Mokoena explained how the pandemic made his business shift towards a more human focus.

He said, “When lockdown happened, no one fixed cars so for us that’s quite a bottom-line implication but I think at the same time what the pandemic does is really bring everyone back to a human focus, I think it has brought our business back to that as well so a lot of the people product offering we have a lot the messaging, a lot of the focus is really returned back to that. I think sometimes bottom-line we’d want to grow that at expense of really being people focus and I think for us it’s been a wonderful opportunity to self reflect.”

Mokeona explained how the pandemic changed how they do business, it has brought significant changes in how DentX operates as it is now human focussed. The Pandemic has brought a negative effect for Mokoena’s business in that their bottom-line is getting affected. However, Mokoena also chooses to see the positive side of the situation as he believes that the pandemic has made his business to have a more human focus. DentX specialises in automotive intelligence to build capabilities for vehicles of the future. Optimising processes and reducing maintenance costs throughout the lifecycle of vehicles from the factory floor to scrap yard.

With the company moving towards a more human focus. It is bound to create solutions that will make the lives of motorists much simpler and offer services or products that put the needs of its customers first. The company has to come up with new strategies in order to recover financially from the knock it took at the height of the pandemic.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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