
DJ Shimza Highlights How His Hang Awt Restaurant Helps Money Circulate In The Township Economy

DJ Shimza Highlights How His Hang Awt Restaurant Helps Money Circulate In The Township Economy. The township economy is a very integral part of South Africa’s whole economy as majority of the people reside in townships. In an interview with The Insider SA, South African DJ and entrepreneur DJ Shimza highlighted how his Hang Awt Restaurant in Tembisa helps money Circulate in the township economy.

He said, “… it’s a restaurant that is a balance between a shisanyama in the hood and a very posh restaurant in town. So we are in the middle catering for people that would ordinarily take the money out of the township economy and take it to Sandton and Midrand, so we just keep them here…One of the things I like about building a township economy, it’s not something that you wake up and say I’m going to do, but you end up seeing yourself employing so many young people from the community that brought me up, as much as people need to go out and find work, I’ve brought work closer to them and for me it’s a blessing.”

DJ Shimza explained the importance of building businesses in the townships, this brings about a significant change in the township as there will be employment and money will be circulating in the townships as more and more people will rely on the shops or establishments that exist in the townships rather than the ones in the towns or cities. This will also encourage more entrepreneurs to invest in townships because they have a lot of potential for growth and to host lucrative business ventures.

The DJ also explained that he seeks to expand his brand and income streams through his business ventures. By doing this he will be building a legacy that will transcend through generations, which is what most entrepreneurs seek to achieve when they start their businesses.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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