Fashion Start-Up The Modern Man Seeks to Assist Men To Look Stylish In Affordable Clothing

Fashion Start-Up The Modern Man Seeks to Assist Men To Look Stylish In Affordable Clothing. The Modern Man was started as a blog in 2017 by Mluleki Qwabe while he was still a student in university to assist and educate men on how to look good and classy without breaking the bank, as most guys believe they have to buy expensive clothing in order to dress well and look stylish.

Qwabe is a young entrepreneur who has a passion for business and investments. He gained his knowledge through business books of successful entrepreneurs and associating himself with successfully people in business and learning from them and then going out in the world and applying what he learnt through finding business opportunities and capitalising on them. He is also committed to becoming a world-class businessman and investor.
The Modern Man is a brand that believes in dressing men for success without breaking the bank. Its all about combining the right colours to achieve an elegant outfit and making sure it fits perfectly. The company does this by offering men stylish, modern yet classic durable style at affordable prices. As the years went by through sheer hard work, persistence of the company’s team and its client’s constant support, it has a online store where it is able serve men across the nation and it also has a beautifully designed physical store in Durban central.
The company plans to have more Modern Man stores across the South Africa in the next 5 years. It has become known as the go to place for affordable durable men’s style for young professionals, graduations, wedding suits, year end functions and matric dances etc. The company believes that if men dress well, they feel confident and when they feel confident, they do well.