
Founder Of Corium Skincare Vuyi Zondi Explains Why It’s Important For An Entrepreneur To Have A Team

Founder Of Corium Skincare Vuyi Zondi Explains Why It’s Important For An Entrepreneur To Have A Team. In an interview with I AM AN ENTREPRENEUR SA, founder of Corium Skincare Vuyi Zondi explained why she thinks having a team as an entrepreneur is important.

She said, “The other aspect to touch on is the importance of a team, so when I’m doing everything as a solopreneur, the truth is that I have strengths, I have weaknesses and I have blinds pots, so one of the things that we don’t speak about as entrepreneurs is that you need to have your team around you, particularly when you’re not as strong or in fields that you are not as strong in and that comes with having a good sense of self understanding because there is so much that is spoken to about being self reliant but the truth is sometimes you can grind all you want but you don’t have the necessary skill set and I think that’s why it’s important to then have a team you can tap into to help you where you are not strong as an entrepreneur.”

Corium Naturals is a South African natural skincare range. Corium is the Latin word for ‘dermis’ – the deepest layer of the skin. In its most raw meaning, Corium can also be translated to mean ‘the truest skin’. The company’s brand is built on the hallmarks of simplicity, purity and credibility. The natural skincare solutions that it provides are natural and botanical. In other words, every ingredient in its products is derived from nature, and as far as possible, in its most unrefined and natural state. Its recipes are inspired by traditional African, Himalayan and Ayurvedic beauty practices. The company endeavours to partner with its clients by educating them on the benefits of natural beauty products and allowing them to make an informed purchasing decision.

Zondi highlights why having a team can help with the success of a start-up, entrepreneurs should be able to accept help where they need it, this way their business will grow as more ideas are added and implemented. A good team can make a huge difference in the company and entrepreneurs shouldn’t be hesitant to invest in the proper team.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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