Portia M Founder Portia Mngomezulu Details How Rejection From Retailers Encouraged Her To Build Her Brand

Portia M Founder Portia Mngomezulu Details How Rejection From Retailers Encouraged Her To Build Her Brand. In an interview with Lerato Ditshego Presents, Portia MA founder Portia Mngomezulu shared how Rejection from retailers encouraged her to build her brand to what is it today. She shared that big retailers would not take her on since nobody knew her, this motivated her to keep building.

Mngomezulu said, “I’m selling cosmetics and Clicks and Dischem are the main target market form me, those are the best retailers to sell my products. When I went there they said, ‘Portia nobody knows you, nobody knows who Portia is, try to build a brand, we haven’t heard of you from anyone, you are not at pick n Pay, they said see us in two years time.’ That could have easily discouraged me but because I saw what I saw in my mind, that’s what kept me going, I was like I’m going to be on this shelf, I went back and I worked on my social media, there was no budget for marketing so social media came at the right time for me with my IT experience, people started posting that this thing works for me and word of mouth worked for us, I mean that is the strategy that we still adopt today. Two years later I didn’t have to call clicks, clicks was looking for me.”
Portia M Skin Solutions is a privately black owned, led and managed, Centurion based company which was established in the year 2011. Portia M Skin Solutions is a Level 1 BBBEE contributor and a Proudly South African certified company.
The company’s vision is to become a leading skin care and cosmetics brand in Africa and the world at large, specialising in quality skin care with locally sourced ingredients. With the relentless attitude of the founder this cosmetics brand is set to grow even further. She too the rejection she received from retailers to fuel her to work hard and achieve her goals.