
Tech Billionaire Priven Reddy Shares The Importance Of Not Giving Up As An Entrepreneur

Tech Billionaire Priven Reddy Shares The Importance Of Not Giving Up As An Entrepreneur. In an interview with LMR, South African Tech Billionaire Priven Reddy shared the importance of not giving up as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is not something easy that anyone can venture in, it takes a whole lot of work and perseverance in order to be successful.

Reddy said, “I think it’s important for people to make a choice, people may look at this video and say it’s easy for you to say that right now because you made it, but bare in mind, I made it, it wasn’t handed to me, it was a process to get here, I didn’t skip the process. You can’t put the ingredients to bake a cake then snap your finger and expect the cake to be baked, it takes time, just like that in life you’ve got be able to wait and have patience. People always say to me what’s the biggest advice you can give people? And I tell them you’ve got to be patient, you’ve got to be resilient because life is going to come and knock you down every single time and you got to get up again and say do it to me again.”

Reddy highlighted why it’s importance for entrepreneurs not to give up as life can throw in many challenges, people should choose to get up again and continue to work. This is because entrepreneurship is always going to present a lot of challenges and when things get difficult, Reddy wants entrepreneurs to be patient and resilient.

For an entrepreneur to be successful they had to face a lot of failures and the reality of their business not doing well, however they shouldn’t let these shortcomings to prevent them from trying again as giving up will not bring them closer to achieving their dreams but will set them back even further.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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