
Founder Of Sandton’s First Hydroponic Rooftop Farm Zandile Kumalo Highlights Some Of The Misconceptions About Hydroponic Farming

Founder Of Sandton’s First Hydroponic Rooftop Farm Zandile Kumalo Highlights Some Of The Misconceptions About Hydroponic Farming. Hydroponic Farming is not widely known or used so there is a lot of false information about it. In an interview with Newzroom Afrika, the founder of the first Hydroponic Rooftop farm Zandile Kumalo highlighted some of the misconceptions about Hydroponic Farming.

She said, “The misconception about it is that people might think that we are not GMO, we use a lot of chemicals in our produce and that it is not the healthiest food you can get when it comes to farming but the honesty about it is that we are organic.” Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydroculture which involves growing plants (usually crops) without soil, by using mineral nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent. Hydroponics offers many advantages, notably a decrease in water usage in agriculture.

With entrepreneurs such as Kumalo, who are willing to try out new ideas, the farming industry is set to grow even more in the coming years. This is because entrepreneurs like Kumalo are brining innovation in the industry and they are making sure that they are solving problems that farmers face on a daily. Through her succeeding in her Hydroponic Farming venture she will be showing other farmers who are facing water shortages that it is possible to grow healthy crops with the reduce about of water.

Farmers who have been facing this problem can surely see how the solution has benefited Khumalo’s farm. Kumalo also reiterated that the crops grown through this farming method are organic and healthy. This farming method does not need to use chemicals to enhance the produce.

Farmers should do all due research before they experiment on Hydroponic Farming, it is always good to understand something before venturing into it. This way they can be able to use Hydroponic Farming to its highest potential and achieve optimum results.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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