How Financial Services Start-Up eZaga Aims To Provide Banking Services To The Informal Sector

How Financial Services Start-Up eZaga Aims To Provide Banking Services To The Informal Sector. eZaga is dedicated to improving lives through digital solutions. The company designs and delivers digital solutions to drive social change in low-income communities across Africa and other emerging markets.

It provides tools and services to enable people to transform their lives with the mobile technology they already own. Using mobile enables the company to reach people quickly, facilitate meaningful engagement and measure social change. eZaga works with various banks to design solutions for economic and social inclusion, leveraging the power of mobile to extend and strengthen the reach, engagement and impact of social and behavioral change initiatives.
Headquartered in South Africa, eZaga also has offices in Botswana, Mozambique, and Dubai. It aims to empower every un-banked person and organisation on the planet to achieve more. It also aims to ensure that all its projects are fully accessible and inclusive for all customers. Barriers to access such as gender, disability, and socio-economic status are carefully considered, and form part of the company’s formative research and human-centered design process. eZaga intends to reach every inch of Africa and en-route, empower small enterprises. It commits to operate in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner. The company does its best to compensate negative effect on the environment. It wishes to share its technical knowledge with the deserving to empower them.
eZaga believes in providing equal opportunity for all its people, as well as those whom it comes across in its course of work In celebration of township soccer in heritage month, eZaga brought the township together by a Soccer tournament better known as The Zaga Yethu Cup. The tournament is aimed at providing local soccer players an opportunity to showcase their natural ability and skills.
As a socially responsible financial institution, eZaga is committed to building and nurturing a value-driven relationship with Zaga Yethu to support township soccer and provide a platform for young players to achieve their goals and aspirations.