How Young Pizza Entrepreneur Thabani Dube Was Inspired By The Lockdown To Create A Pizza Enterprise

How Young Pizza Entrepreneur Thabani Dube Was Inspired By The Lockdown To Create A Pizza Enterprise. The Covid 19 pandemic has brought about a lot of negative effects to all types of business around the world, any industry could argue how it was affected the worst but it can also be argued that the restaurant industry has been the one that’s suffered the most at the hands of the pandemic, restaurants have had to adjust the way they operate their businesses.

Restaurants now have to have a limited number of customers and they have had to stop selling alcohol due to the alcohol ban and have had to close their establishment early due to the unexpected lockdowns curfews. These factors have affected this industry the worst as they are mostly reliant on having as many customers as they can accommodate in order for their establishments to thrive.
With such problems in the market, there is bound to be people who come up with innovative ideas that will lead to business solutions that will help in finding alternatives to finding income. Thabani Dube is one such person as he founded a Pizza Enterprise called ‘The Pizza Guy Nuz’. This is a pizza company that he established due to the governments decision of prohibiting fast food outlets from operating. He knew his business would thrive now because he would be providing people in his community what they missed since the closure of the fast food outlets which he discovered from his research to be Pizza.
Dube began his business by cooking his pizza in his mother’s kitchen, he wants to encourage people to not let anything limit them and just use what they have to get what they want to achieve. As the lockdown is seriously affecting the restaurant business negatively, it has also inspired young people to come up with solutions that will benefit their communities. Right now Dube hires people on a casual basis and he is able to cater to his community of Umlazi. He plans on expanding his business so that it can be able to reach other communities similar to his.