
Capitec Bank Announces The Retirement Of Its CFO And Co-Founder

Capitec Bank Announces The Retirement Of Its CFO And Co-Founder. South African banking giant Capitec Bank has announced that its CFO and Co-Founder Andre du Plessis has retired. Andre has been the CFO of the company since 2002 and is set to be replaced by Grant Hardy.

“Talent management and succession planning form an integral part of broader risk management at Capitec. As part of the strategy to preserve Capitec’s unique culture, significant effort is made to develop our own people with specific focus on talented individuals with potential to lead the company in the future. Where possible, significant positions are filled from within the Group.” Capitec Group said in a statement.

Grant Hardy, Group Services Financial Head at Capitec Bank, is set to become the new CFO and FD as he is succeeding André on 1 July 2022. Grant is a chartered accountant who completed his articles with Deloitte in Johannesburg in their Financial Services team. Following this he spent 8 years working in the banking sector in the United Kingdom before returning to South Africa and joining Capitec Bank in 2015.

The company continue to say, “Most Co-Founders who retired, were replaced by individuals from within the Group. Grant was amongst the individuals who were identified and shortlisted over the last 4 years to succeed André. Over this period, André worked closely with the candidate successors to ensure that they gain appropriate depth of insight into the Capitec group and to evaluate their respective performances on a continuous basis.”

Over the next 6 months Grant will continue to work shoulder- to-shoulder with André to ensure a seamless transition as a detailed handover plan was developed by the company. The company also said that its Board is pleased with Grant’s appointment as André’s successor and is confident that his experience and intimate knowledge of the Group will support the continued growth of Capitec.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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