
Founder Of ITThynk Raymond Ledwaba Explains How His Start-Up Aims To Incorporate The African Narrative In The Global Gaming Industry

Founder Of ITThynk Raymond Ledwaba Explains How His Start-Up Aims To Incorporate The African Narrative In The Global Gaming Industry. The gaming industry has seen a rise over the last few years due to the advancement of digital technology. A lot of changes have been made in the industry to better the experience of the user but the African market hasn’t been considered as most of the video game narratives aren’t relatable to Africans.

South African gaming startup ‘ITThynk’ seeks to change this and incorporate the African narrative in the global gaming industry so that the games that are created are also relatable to the African reality and narrative. In an interview with Multichoice Group, the founder of ITThynk Raymond Ledwaba shared how the startup is aiming to including the African narrative on gaming.

He said, “Most of us have played video games with engaging play, big setting and brilliant graphics, how many though have an African narrative? The global video game industry could be worth $300 billion by 2025, a booming global industry, but there is a problem, only 1% of game developers are African yet Africans make up 30% of the gaming community, an imbalance we want to fix. We are developing Africa’s biggest video games studio and publisher with a portfolio of video games for mobile, pc and console platforms. We are breaking it to the global gaming industry with our own stories.”

Representation is very important in products that are consumed by people all over the world, this way the company can create a more meaningful interaction and experience for their customers as they will feel included. By making sure that the African narrative is heard, ITThynk is showing Africans that they should be embracing their own stories and begin to tell them on the biggest platforms so that their legacy lives on and the African storeis are heard throughout the world.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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