How Equipment Supplying Start-Up ‘Alcohol Breathalysers’ Aims To Keep Businesses Safe From Alcohol Related Dangers
How Equipment Supplying Start-Up Alcohol Breathalysers Aims To Keep Businesses Safe From Alcohol Related Dangers. Alcohol Breathalysers (Pty) Ltd is a private company focused on the supply of a wide range of reliable, affordable & easy-to-use Industrial, Law-Enforcement and Personal Use alcohol screeners. The company began as a closed corporation in 2004 and converted to a Proprietary Limited company in 2016.
It has sold more than 600,000 breathalyser units and achieved annual growth of more than 20% year on year during the past 5 years. Its customer base is primarily industrial & commercial and exceeds 15,500 institutions including SOEs, stock-exchange listed companies, mines, transporters & SMMEs. The company’s Head & Export Office is situated in The Gardens, Norwood, Johannesburg, it’s Western Cape Branch is situated in Observatory, Cape Town and its Kwa-Zulu Natal branch is situated in Westville, Durban.
Companies will be able to improve safety in their work place & business as it will reduce the risk of alcohol related accidents occurring in the workplace; save the lives of on-site workers and drivers out on the roads; increase productivity of its work-force by ensuring that workers are not under the influence of alcohol whilst on the job; it will save money spent on dealing with alcohol related accidents in the work place and it will also save money lost through lack of productivity and repairing the damaged company assets.
Alcohol Breathalysers has been independently verified by Renaissance SA Rating (Pty) Ltd, a SANAS accredited BEE Verification Agency, in accordance with the Codes of Good Practice, issued in terms of section (9)1 of the Broad Based Black Empowerment Act 53 of 2003 as amended by Act 46 of 2013 (Gazette 37271 of 27 January 2014) and is Certified as a Level 4 Contributor and Recognised as an Empowering Supplier.
The company has also partnered with David Frost Road Safety (Pty) Ltd which offers several road safety services. These include training, a wide range of presentations, editing and writing of road safety related material and road safety audits.