Multichoice Group Announces Their Partnership With Fundi Foundation To Spread The #R10GoesALongWay Campaign

Multichoice Group Announces Their Partnership With Fundi Foundation To Spread The #R10GoesALongWay Campaign. Multichoice Group took to Twitter to announce that they have partnered with Fundi Foundation to help spread the ‘#R10GoesALongWay campaign. The ‘#R10GoesALongWay’ campaign is an initiative that was started to help students with their fees.

The post read, “We are proud to announce our partnership as the official media sponsor of #R10GoesALongWay . This partnership will allow us to utilise our platforms to spread the #R10GoesALongWay message. Read more: #EnrichingLives”
“MultiChoice constantly uses its platforms for good by partnering with non-profit organisations and civil society, to raise awareness about topics of public interest and mobilise resources to address social challenges,” said Collen Dlamini, Group Executive Corporate Affairs at MultiChoice on the company’s website. “For this campaign, we will use our DStv on air, and MultiChoice social media platforms to amplify the #R10GoesALongWay campaign message in a bid to get as many people and organisations as possible to donate ahead of the new school year in 2022.”
The #R10GoesALongWay campaign was formed when social media celebrity Lasizwe Dambuza and his online community of friends were fuelled by the #FeesMustFall movement to make a difference. On 13 March, Lasizwe and three friends contributed R38 000 among themselves to kickstart the initiative and thanks to generous donations from corporates and everyday people in South Africa and countries as far as the UK, the campaign went on to raise over R2 million in five days to help students with registration fees.
This partnership is set to bring a positive impact to society as more people especially students will have the knowledge of where they can apply to get funding. This provides another opportunity for students who need funding to get a chance a getting an education without the worry of paying fees.