
SA Tech Entrepreneur Zaine Imran Explains Why The Pandemic Has Been A Learning Curve For His Start-Up

SA Tech Entrepreneur Zaine Imran Explains Why The Pandemic Has Been A Learning Curve For His Start-Up. Zaine Imran is an young entrepreneur that founded HEDGE, he designed a school bag that has a safety measure installed and it can be used when a child is in danger. Zaine provides this solution to students so that they can be safe when they are at school.

In an interview with SABC News Imran explained why the pandemic has been a learning curve for his start-up. He said, “it has an inbuilt tracker, the tracker is linked to the parents or guardians of the child cellphone app that we have developed. Three is an sos button so if the child is in trouble they just hit the SOS button on the side of the bag and that would alert the app and after a few seconds it would call the number that has been set on the app. So there will be two way communication between the backpack of the child and the parent.“

Imran continued to say, “You need to be diverse and I have learnt to do with what’s I have and that’s the biggest mindset change that I’ve had. It has really taught me a lot because I’ve figured out ways to do things that I would have never figured out, methods in which we develop our things remotely, solving problems during the pandemic its really opened up our mind and it’s showed us there is a million ways of solving a problem.”

Zaine explained how he used the pandemic to his advantage and didn’t let it destroy his dreams. He had to adapt to the new environment of doing busiensnss in a pandemic. This can break a lot of entrepreneurs as there is a lot of pressure to keep the business going but it can also be a motivator of innovation as it did with Zaine. Through establishing new ways of solving problems he managed to provide a product that will make a significant impact in the community.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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