Co-Founder Of Yoco Lungisa Matshoba Reveals The Worst Investment He Has Ever Made

Co-Founder Of Yoco Lungisa Matshoba Reveals The Worst Investment He Has Ever Made. In an interview with Business Live, South African entrepreneur and co-founder of Yoco Lungisa Matshoba revealed the worst investment he has ever made. Making bad financial decisions is something that a lot of entrepreneurs go through as they try to find their way.

He said, “I went through a period where I moved houses three times in four years. Two of those times we bought and renovated, which in retrospect was neither financially nor time friendly.” Matshoba shares that he was spending his money on houses that he didn’t need as he moved houses three times in four years. This cost him a lot of money as he didn’t need to move frequently. Matshoba ended up paying money that he shouldn’t have paid due to not knowing about making good financial decisions that will have a positive return in the future.
Matshoba is the co-founder of and CTO of Yoco which is a growing African financial technology company that enables people to thrive through open commerce payment solutions. The company believes in a world where commerce is more accessible, more possible, more inclusive, more for everyone. Where anyone can pursue, participate in and connect with a business. It believes in a world where independent endeavour thrives, and there is no end to opportunity. It also believes in a world where technology enables people to focus on what matters, where they can tap into their gifts, creativity and passion, and create unique products and experiences that delight. It also believe in increasing wealth locally, and the ripple effect that it can have on so many communities.
Motshaba now knows that he should be investing in things that assess that bring more value. He spent a lot of time and money on properties that that weren’t as lucrative as he thought they would be.