
Norwegian Renewable Energy Start-Up Scatec Details Plans Of Constructing A Million Individual Solar Photovoltaic Panels In South Africa

Norwegian Renewable Energy Start-Up Scatec Details Plans Of Constructing A Million Individual Solar Photovoltaic Panels In South Africa. It has been reported that Norwegian renewable energy startup Scatec detailed its plans of Constructing a million individual solar photovoltaic panels in South Africa. The company aims to provide power day or night, when South Africa’s grid comes under strain and faces potential load shedding.

Jan Fourie, general manager for Sub-Saharan Africa at Scatec told Business Tech that, “The advent of these large-scale long-duration storage solutions, propelled by innovations in lithium-ion and other technologies, is finally dispelling the misconception that renewables’ output is intermittent, or that solar power is only available when the sun shines.”

He continued to say, “PV capacity is over-installed, and the vast excess of energy produced during the sunlight hours is stored in the battery packs, and released as needed, especially during the mornings and evenings when demand peaks, and grid operators request power. The storage units also safeguard against prolonged periods of overcast weather and seasonal swings.”

With this project the company seeks to do business in South Africa and therefore also provide a solution to the long standing issue of load shedding. The company is brining innovative solutions that will be sustainable in the future as it will be generating energy through renewable resources. This shows that there is a more effective way of generating energy without the use of fossil fuels and companies in South Africa should also look into investing in this industry as it proposes a sustainable solution.

“There are already many massive projects underway that promise to offset load shedding and bring South Africans clean power for the future. Dispatchable renewables are a risk-free win for government, and the key to future-proofing South Africa’s energy sector lies in harnessing the country’s abundant renewable resources.” Fourie concluded.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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