SA Rapper Chad Da Don Partners With Copper Still Craft Distillery To Launch A Hemp Infused Gin

SA Rapper Chad Da Don Partners With Copper Still Craft Distillery To Launch A Hemp Infused Gin. South African rapper and entrepreneur Chad Da Don took to Instagram to announce that he will be launching his hemp Infused Gin in collaboration with Copper Still Craft Distillery. The rapper is now venturing into the alcohol industry and is showing his entrepreneurial passion.

The post read, “HUGE DEAL ALERT!!! I AM OFFICIALLY PROUD TO ANNOUNCE SOON YOU WILL TASTE DA DON HEMP INFUSED GIN IN COLLABO WITH @copperstilledcraft” Chad has always been known as a rapper in the public eye as he rarely discloses his other interests but now this has changed as the rapper came out to show the public that he is also an entrepreneur that seeks to build a alcohol brand so that it becomes a big competitor in the industry.
Chad da Don, is a South African hip-hop record producer, songwriter and rapper. Chad released his debut studio album The Book of Chad on 16 April 2016. The rapper has now announced what he describes as a ‘huge deal’ between him and the Copper Still Craft Distillery as they are entering a business venture that brings a lot of challenges and risks but can also bring a lot of profits annd benefits when one is determined to stick it through.
The idea of starting Copper Still Craft Distillery was born in 1999 as part of a varsity Business Management project when Freek and Norman teamed up and took the challenge head-on to start a small business. They were given R500 to start a business and decided to buy three cases of “peach mampoer”. They decided to sell the illicit contraband at “sokkies” and varsity dances and were successful. Twenty years later the idea evolved and they established Copper Still Craft Distillery in October 2017. Within a five month period they tested and perfected eight different products and became Master Distillers overnight. They also acquired the talents of an old school friend to assist in the running of the distillery.