Waste Management Start-Up Mahlabana Waste Aims To Become A Strategic Partner In Any Organisation’s Value Chain
Waste Management Start-Up Mahlabana Waste Aims To Become A Strategic Partner In Any Organisation’s Value Chain. Mahlabana Waste is a Bio-hazardous/ Health Care Risk Waste, General Waste management and hygiene services company, prioritising safe removal of waste from generator and ensuring it is transported to waste treatment/ disposal site for safe disposal.
Mahlabana Waste offers innovative and efficient waste management services, with Hygiene and Bio-hazardous waste and General waste services being the core service currently. With the synergy level between Hygiene (in both the sense of sanitary measures and environmental health) and Waste Management, Mahlabana Waste is able to offer packages enabling its clients space and time to focus on what they do best.
Mahlabana Waste aims to provide clients with innovative and efficient practices and compliance-based hygiene and waste management service from the point it is generated to safe disposal and treatment. As a 100% Black-owned and managed company, Mahlabana Waste becomes a strategic partner in any organisation’s value chain entrenched in commitment to quality and enhancement of livelihoods within the areas in which it operates. The company continuously strives to entrench its position as a preferred supplier and service provider in a manner that is consistent with the objectives and developmental goals of all its clients.
The company’s target clients are hygiene services consumers, general and medical/ bio-hazardous waste generating facilities including hospitals / clinics, pharmaceutical companies, medical centres & surgeries laboratories (micro and chem), old age homes and the food industry. The company’s vision is to provide its clients with the best service, grow the waste management service into more categories of waste, champion environmental compliance, provide training for its clients and to assist them with proper handling and storage of waste and to build a solid reputation within hygiene, general and HCRW sectors.
Mahlabana Waste’s mission is to provide innovative hygiene and waste management solutions for its clients while building a clean and safe environment.