Lewis Group Announces Its Partnership With redAcademy

Lewis Group Announces Its Partnership With redacademy. South African retail group Lewis Group has announced that it has partnered with redAcademy in order to train young people.

Managing Director of redAcademy Jessica Hawkey told IT Online that, “Our mission is to provide real opportunities for young people while developing a sustainable pipeline of employable software developers to benefit redPanda Software, its clients, the IT industry at large and the South African economy. With this in mind, the partnership with Lewis Group, one of the most recognisable enterprise brands in the country, allows us to expose these young talented people, who we call sprinters, to the dynamism and vigours of real-life programing,”
Powered by specialist enterprise retail software developer redPanda Software, redAcademy is a stand-alone organisation with a clear goal: give carefully chosen, talented South Africans the opportunity to sprint into their IT careers by working closely with industry-leading redPanda Software senior developers and customers, designed to fast-track careers in the real world. The company’s mission is to develop a sustainable pipeline of highly employable and astute software developers to fulfil the local and global IT market recruitment needs. redAcademy does this through offering the most relevant software development and real world skills training to a select group of high school graduates who are representative of South Africa’s demographics.
Lewis group is a leading retailer of household furniture and electrical appliances through its trading brands Lewis, Best Home and Electric, Beares and United Furniture Outlets (ufo). Founded in cape town in 1934, the Lewis Group has been listed on the JSE limited since 2004. The group employs 8 847 permanent staff and is a strong supporter of the local furniture manufacturing sector. The group has 681 stores across all metropolitan areas and in rural south africa, as well as a significant footprint in neighbouring african countries.